Nos Services Métalliques

Expertise en métallerie pour tous vos projets de construction et d'aménagement.

Conception Sur Mesure

Nous concevons des ouvrages métalliques personnalisés selon vos besoins et spécifications.

Fabrication de Qualité

Fabrication d'éléments métalliques robustes et durables pour tous vos projets de construction.

Ouvrages Métalliques

Conception et fabrication d'ouvrages métalliques sur mesure pour vous.

Portails Personnalisés

Nous créons des portails sur mesure, alliant sécurité et esthétique, adaptés à vos besoins spécifiques et à l'architecture de votre propriété.

A person wearing a welding helmet is engaged in welding metal, possibly part of a bicycle frame. Sparks are flying around the area, and the scene is dimly lit with a warm orange glow from the welding. The setting appears to be a workshop with various tools and equipment visible in the background.
A person wearing a welding helmet is engaged in welding metal, possibly part of a bicycle frame. Sparks are flying around the area, and the scene is dimly lit with a warm orange glow from the welding. The setting appears to be a workshop with various tools and equipment visible in the background.
Escaliers Design

Nos escaliers en métal sont conçus pour allier fonctionnalité et style, offrant des solutions élégantes pour tous les espaces, qu'ils soient intérieurs ou extérieurs.

Je suis très satisfait du travail réalisé par Prepabat Métallerie. Leur expertise en métallerie est impressionnante et le résultat final est au-delà de mes attentes.

Jean Dupont

A person wearing protective clothing and a welding mask is working in a workshop or studio. There are various tools and pieces of equipment scattered around, including a welding machine and some metal structures. The space appears cluttered and is somewhat industrial in appearance, with an unfinished ceiling and assorted materials lying around.
A person wearing protective clothing and a welding mask is working in a workshop or studio. There are various tools and pieces of equipment scattered around, including a welding machine and some metal structures. The space appears cluttered and is somewhat industrial in appearance, with an unfinished ceiling and assorted materials lying around.
